Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday, July 14th, 2008

  • Maggie W.--Our grandson, Aaron, collapsed on the beach at the coast Saturday from dehydration. He was unconscious and suffered several seizures. He could have drowned had he collapsed in deeper water where he was just prior, but God was faithful, and he surrounded him with lifeguards and he was rushed to the hospital. After lab tests were normal, he was allowed to come home.

    Please keep him in prayer; he is 10 and still quite traumatized (and so are his parents and sister) from the whole incident and very much afraid. He goes to see his doctor today.

    So, I am Praising God today for His Wonderful Grace !!!
  • Elida R.> Update on Eddie B.--I called Krista yesterday and she said Eddie was coming along. He is dealing with the pain nicely. Can't stand too long cause of the veins they removed from his leg/legs (don't know if one or two). He is healing slowly from the open heart surgery but doing ok. Another Praise to God for His mercy and grace!!! Will keep you updated when I hear.
  • Jennifer & Trey W.--From our friends Scott & Tami: "We found out on Saturday that Scott's dad (Caleb) is in stage 3 pancreatic cancer, and they are giving him 3 to 6 months to live. He goes in on Wed. to see if it has spread to any other organs--if it has not, they will start chemo. If it already has, it is too late to try anything. If you will continue to keep him and the family in your prayers, it would be greatly appreciated."

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