Wednesday, May 9, 2007

April 29th 2007

Buchanan, Dan - whole life

Corbit, Crystal - Lesley and his brothers business and pending contracts. That they get the contracts and start soon.

Corbit, Lesley - spiritual growth & maturity for myself & Crystal

De Hoyos, Silvano -for peace, love in the world and for all the people hurt in Eagle Pass / Piedras Negras victims from the tornado.

Gatlin, Lisa - pray that my daughter Holly continues to make good decisions in life.

Hale, Patrick – Christopher's recovery from allergies. For my wife & kids, all my family and for self-improvement.

Jennings, Linda - we're struggling to have our daughter returned home - important meeting on Tuesday at 2pm. We need the power of prayer and the Holy Spirit to be with us!

Mathews, Tami - pay off my Chp 13 quickly. Aunt Jamie has an anyurism. Peter Dodgen needs more of God in his life. Kids need help in classes at school - math, reading, writing.

McArdle, Greg - pray for the sale of our CA home

McCalley, Darla - my husband is incarcerated - please pray for our continued faith and strength in the Lord.

Muckelroy, Susan - for Brady's talent - investors in his new album; studio time - $ needed, CD production, etc…

Newhart, Aprille - continued prayer for: Amanda Kachmarsky & family, Mary & Henry Pascucci, Bill & Kathy Robitson, me

Pancamo, Austin - pray for our leaders. May their decisions be influenced by the Holy Spirit.

Peal, Sharol - pray for healing for Augustine Lucio. He is in the hospital with bleeding on the brain. He is my granddaughter Lauryn's great grandfather.

Ramirez, Jeanette - please pray that I will make the right decision whether or not to move back to Houston.

Sawders, Elizabeth - for a problem-free delivery & a healthy baby boy! (due date: May 6th)

Tomplait, Amelia - I am seeking employment, please pray for my family

Walker, Maggie - pray for my friend Gloria who had gall bladder surgery last week and for brother in law Rod to raise funds for his orphanage & for healing of his rib.

Watson, La Sandra - pray for the Gary Job Corps Bible study

White, Samantha - healthy Couper & parents. Upcoming final exams.

Williams, Jennifer - Prayers for my father, Robert Bailey, and his family. His mother, Deia Bailey died Friday (she was 91 yrs old). For the whole Bailey family, their health, their spiritual and emotional health.

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