Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Aug 8th 2010

  1. ?--Greg. Parables TV.
  2. A.R.--For varsity, that I would make the starters and if not, God will help me not to be upset.
  3. M.L.--Puppets, puppets, puppets. We need faith, patience and God in everything. I'm gonna be real.
  4. M.P.--That we would have fun at my grandparents' house.
  5. C.W.--My sister Bonnie is away fighting for our freedom. And for her daughter, Samantha, that she entrusted me with. May God protect them both. And may He guide me.
  6. A.W.--John's ASVAB. That he would STUDY and do well.
  7. S.M.--For God to continue talking to my oldest son and for him to listen & and not run.
  8. J.F.--That I get a job teaching before school starts this year.
  9. V.B.--Salvation for a loved one, reconciliation of marriage & new beginning; financial miracle to pay mortgage, car note & bills.
  10. S.H.--For Charlie-hasn't been feeling very well lately. Also, my friend Lea An who is sharing major financial issues & is pregnant. For Jason's brother-problems with his daughter. For our friend Darrell who is going through a divorce.
  11. J.R.--For my dad to get some jobs for signs.
  12. H.G.--Please pray that God provides me the right words & strength to deal with a difficult situation @ work with my boss.
  13. J.D.M.Jr.--I thank my Lord & Savior for bringing me & home safely & for blessing me.
  14. B.F.--Praise to God for thanks that my son will come home from Afghanistan. Pray for my family and his friend Chuck's health.
  15. A.G.--My never-ending headaches that come and go and medicine does not seem to help.
  16. Y.&C.V.--Healing for my Christopher. Thank you for the many blessings.
  17. J.&C.W.--T., J., N. & E. as they travel.
  18. D.&F.M.--Thank God for another good health report. Praise Him for being with us 50 years of marriage!
  19. N.F.--I get along with my roommates, my dad will come around and my financial needs will be met.
  20. S.C.--I pray for Ray's trip.
  21. R.&D.C.--Prayer to keep Ray safe on his business trip & to keep me sane while he is gone.
  22. A.--That I will have good sleep.
  23. R.&A.W.--Summer is almost over. Pray for safe travels for friends and family! Also, thanks so much for praying about Robby's major test! It really helped! Love y'all!
  24. V.Family--Dad's continued healing from surgery. Brother Richard to make better life choices-salvation.
  25. S.E.--Appreciate prayers as the radio station goes through an ownership change and I begin looking for a new job. Thx.
  26. J.L.--I would like to pray for my friend Rita whose husband is dying of lung cancer.
  27. M.O.--Pray for my father Manuel. We think he is in the first stages of dementia.
  28. F.Family--Freddie-melanoma (Sandi's brother).
  29. J.McF.--Find a job transfer to Colorado; becoming financially free.
  30. E.C.--Anxiety, stress, brother; surgery-mom; health of family.
  31. J.C.--Adison (3 yrs old)-dog bites to the face; pray for successful surgeries & recovery.
  32. M.B.--Travel mercies for Joe & Ray for the start of Ray's new career.
  33. C.G.L.--New job & financial freedom; reconnect with husband and find our way back to what we used to have and see in each other.
  34. M.W.--Please pray for my friend Doris in Oregon. Her mother passed away last week at the age of 96, and now her mother-in-law, 93, also had a bad fall and is not expected to recoup much, and Doris is having hip surgery in 2 weeks. She struggles with high blood pressure. Her daughter-in-law has had 3 different kinds of cancer, and she is in her 30's, has 2 little children. Please ask for healing for this family and lots of strength and peace.
  35. D.N. Please pray for Jim F. who suffered a heart attack early Sunday morning. He remains unresponsive but the family remains hopeful.
  36. N.B.-- My friend Allison had a baby early Saturday morning and because of nerve damage to her body during labor she still cannot stand on her own or walk yet. They are meeting with a neurologist today to try and figure out what is going on.

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