Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Week of April 13th 2009

Samantha--Some of you may or may not know that I have had problems with my hip on and off for sometime and of course the that chiropractic office didn't help me any!!! I have been putting it off and putting it off out of fear, but I finally went to the doctor. Well, the good news is I do not need a hip replacement as I feared the worst! Bad news is I do have a torn labrum that needs to be repaired and need to have my hip bone reshaped I am scheduling an MRI with contrast directly in the hip. This will let me know better as to how soon I will need to have this surgery. I have been in SO much pain that I am awakened at night and cannot sleep on my left side. The pain has become horrific!!!! Now I really have become SAMONIC I am almost complete with my full body tune up!!! All in all if you would please start saying a prayer or two for me. It never hurts to start early Thank in advance!!!!

Melanie: prayer request for Mike and Bridget. They have a possibe complication with their pregnancy and could really use our prayers right now. Thank you so much.

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