- T.R. - PRAISE!! Husband and I are back in church and things are wonderful.
- S.C. - PRAISE!! No one hurt in sister’s house fire.
- P.M. - PRAISE!! About sold van.
- D.R. - for relationship with boyfriend Chris, to solve problem with hurt and frustration.
- B.H. - to make me a channel of your peace.
- M.R. - to find the strength to change and trust God fully.
- S.G. - for a changed heart and a fresh start.
- R.S. - for living situation and to find a place our own, for husband to find a job.
- N.A. - to have the words to speak to father and brother about addiction and the freedom they can have in the Lord.
- V.C. - for Daniel Gonzales– walk with the Lord.
- F.M. - to be a blessing to others and to find a home for daughter and I.
- I.C. - for the Lord to continue to help with anger problems.
- E.C. - for family, friends, school, work and health.
- C.A. - for the people of Japan in their time of need and for my children to find Jesus.
- J.D. - for brother– in hospital with complications to back surgery and has pancreatic/liver cancer.
- A.W. - for finances and peace and to release anger.
- A.N. - for family, Kathy & Bill Robertson, Gail Acquisto, Robert Acquisto, Sage Acquisto, Sal & Jen Acquisto, and Robby & Wayne Kester.
- D.B. - for husband to receive long term employment.
- J.M. - to find full time employment.
- K.W. - for God’s guidance regarding marriage.
- S.H. - for father’s treatment to heal his ankle and for finances to help pay for dental treatment.
- J.F. - for father’s strength, friend to attend on a regular basis and for God to work through me to bring roommates and friends.
- K.W. - for troops serving in Afghanistan– Colin Koester, Josh Confer, Landon Cheatham.
- J.L. - to find patience with kids and not to be angry and controlling.
- S.W. - for Cayden– dealing with issues of fear, for Norma (nana) health issues, also to be slow to anger and frustration with kids.
- M.M. - to not bring anger home from work.
- L.R. - for brother-in-law, sister died this morning, for brother– cancer.
- K.D. - for healing of John’s brother Frank– having biopsies done.
- J.M. - for Payton Thomas– health.
- S.C. - to know how to help children understand new structure in family.
- M.J. - for all the people in Japan affected by the earthquake.
- A.W. - safety for Josh and his company.
- J.P. - for strength to become a peace officer.
- P.M. - for employment and for God to supply every need.
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