Monday, September 21, 2009

Week of Sept 21st 2009

  • TCC Church Family ~
    As you may know, Bridget and Mike Wildschuetz from our church gave birth to baby Faith on September 10th. What you may not know is that Faith was born without eyes, has very small sinuses and is having trouble getting enough oxygen on her own. Faith is being cared for by the great doctors and nurses at the North Austin Medical Center off of Parmer and MoPac. As you can imagine, it has been difficult to stay in Kyle while trying to help care for their new baby girl. They were able to stay in the hospital for five days, but they are now having to stay in a hotel or drive back and forth from Kyle. The doctors have no idea when Faith might be able to go could be days or weeks. Once they take her home, there is a chance she will need to be on oxygen which is a heartbreaking thought for a new mom!!
    This family needs our help!! I hope that you will join me and rally around this family to lift their spirits and remind them that they are not in this alone very scary situation; we are here for them, and God is here for them!
    First, and foremost, they need PRAYERS....lots and lots of PRAYERS!!! Prayers that Faith gets to come home soon, prayers that she does not have any other developmental delays, prayers for her breathing system to mature, prayers for the doctors and nurses caring for her, prayers for Mike and Bridget to have the strength to care for this beautiful baby girl.
    Also, we would like to try and give them a Visa gift card to help them with the hotel, meals, gas and other expenses they are incurring right now on top of all of the medical expenses. If you can contribute,please drop off your donation to the TCC Offices by this Friday or give them to me or Melanie Barnes at church on Sunday. A $10-20 donation would be AWESOME! Please make checks payable toMelanie Barnes.
    One immediate need they have is for their lawn to be mowed. Is anyone able to do this for them this week? What about next week? If so, please click here or copy and paste the link below into your browser and log that you can do this into the spreadsheet. Their address in Waterleaf is at the bottom of this email. I am trying to get Bridget to let us know what other needs they have like laundry, grocery shopping, etc. I will let you know what I find out. Thankfully, Michelle and Rafael have stepped up and are caring for their dog. That's so great!!
    Once they finally are able to go home and get into a "normal" routine, I would like to coordinate a dinner delivery for them for at least the first two weeks. I will send out another email about this when I find out when they are coming home. Let me know if you are interested in participating.
    CG LEADERS: If you think your group might want to help this family in some way, please forward this to your Connection Group members.
    The last year has been tough for Bridget and Mike. They are from St. Louis and all of their family lives out of town. Mike was laid off recently and has had trouble finding a job in the field he is trained in. Mike's mom is here until Tuesday helping out, and Bridget's mom plans to take leave from her job as a teacher to come help them out. But, eventually, they are going to be completely on their own.
    Feel free to email Bridget words of encouragement or post something on her Facebook wall. I know she would appreciate hearing from you. Her email is at the bottom of this message.
    In case you don't know Bridget and Mike, here is a photo of them along with a great picture of baby Faith:
    Below is the most recent update written by Bridget on her Facebook page talking about the latest report from the doctor:

    Possible that when we eventually take her home she would still have to be on oxygen. MRI results only tell us structure not function as I originally thought. Dr. was not real clear on this. So really we have no idea how Faith will do with learning and development in the future. She is also doing a lot of shallow breathing.

    Contact info:

    Bridget's Email:
    Subdivision: Waterleaf
    Address: 640 New Country Road
    Vanessa Petrea & Melanie Barnes
    Vanessa's Cell: 512.653.8658
    Melanie's Cell: 512.294.1726

  • Please pray for my husband Russell. He turns 30 today!
    Just pray God's heart as He reveals it. Please agree with me that Russ will invest in relationships with other Christian men...--S.H.
  • I'm being admitted into St. David's hospital tomorrow (today) at 10a and will have to stay 2-3 days. My hip has not gotten any better so, I am having a total hip replacement. Good news is I will be up and walking Tuesday or Wednesday I haven't walked in over a month with any weight on my right leg I've had to use crutches for almost 2 month or risk fracturing my femur. More good news I'll be pain free very very soon too!!!! Samantha

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