- C.H.--My friend Freddy's Brother Joe is in bad shape, he weighs around ninety lbs, has pneumonia and his lung collapsed. Doctors have advised the family to make funeral arrangements. Please lift him and all his family up as they face this difficult time. Thanks.
- F.G.--Please pray for my stepmother Kelley & per parents, Barbara & Sam. Barbara and Sam are both fighting cancer.
- V.B.--Finances (miracle) to pay mortgage by July 16th ($2700 past due and another $1500 payment for July 1st); marriage restoration miracle.
- L.S.--Carol, Reagan, Nate, Lindee.
- McL. Family--Continued prayers for Dave's work.
- H.C.--For this to be a very good summer.
- A.R.--I'm going on a family trip w/my dad to go see Paula's family--pray that no one gets mad at me and no one starts drama.
- G.&G.T.--Oralia, Paul, Olivia, Lori, Alex, Vanessa, Chris, Margaret, Michael, David.
- D.&F.M.--Praise God for remission; traveling mercies for all church members on vacation. Praying for financial blessings for our new church home.
- S.T.--For my grandmother Lois. Her mind is starting to fail her and she is getting hurt. She doesn't want any help but she needs it.
- M.P.--For people working at the building.
- B.P.--For the building.
- R.M.--Success with new company.
- F.Family.--Demi-rehearsal camp for Young Continentals.
- J.F.--For my Father's help. For my business. My friends and I are slaving.
- L.C.--Fear of commitment to a church family.
- K.W.--Please pray for my husband to open his mind/heart about God. Please pray for us all as well. Thanks.
- J.&C.W.--Tom, Mr. Kennedy-hospice care, Trey & Jen-traveling, Praise-Joe, TCC.
- H.Family--Praise God for our big move on July 1st! Thank You for bravely leading us into our new church home!
- D.R.--Prayer for our family and our new baby & her health. Pray for our move to our new building & for the finances of the church.
- S.&D.McC.--Continued prayer for our families to come closer to God. Prayer for finances and jobs for all our children. Good health. Praise God!
- A.M.--Prayer for Valerie to seek God again. Prayer for Shelley & Family whose uncle passed away, heart problems.
- C.S.--My children's health-Ryan has been very ill & Colton is getting ill.
- G.S.--I pray for all my family & friends to have good health & the love of Jesus in their hearts.
- E.S.--For my grandson's safety in the military. For the oil spill in the Gulf to stop.
- F.H.III--My wife and I are trying to make a change in our lives. We hope to be shown the right way to go and a church to call home.
- M.W.--Boo-hoo--won't be here July 1-7th. Will be in Spirit and Prayer! God is AWESOME! Loved the new song. Pray for my daughter & family, going to Savannah, GA July 4th weekend. Pray for my hubby and me as we go to CO July 1-7th. Pray for safety in travel. Not happy will miss our first service @ new bldg....
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
June 27th 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
June 20th 2010
- M.G.--I got a phone call from my friend; her eldest son, 20, was admitted to icu and is having problems with his blood sugars (he has juv. Diabetes) and having tachycardia. She tells me he is in serious condition cuz his kidneys aren't working either. Would you pass this info on and send prayers.
- C.H.--Yesterday I learned that a previous coworker of mine named Amy had passed away. Today I learned that she committed suicide because she was suffering from being bipolar and depression. My coworkers and I are in shock trying to deal with all this and I ask that you keep her family and husband in prayer. Her husband is very upset because he feels he could of done more to prevent this. Please lift him up and ask God to get him through this. Thanks in advance. May God Bless and keep you all.
- M.P.--That in the building everything would go smoothly this week.
- J.&C.W.--Tom, Mr. Kennedy, TCC-new bldg.
- V.B.--Financial blessing, to make 2 $1500 mortgage payments, salvation for a loved one, marriage restoration.
- L.F.--Mega Sports Camp!
- S.R.--For co-op to be moved to a different day.
- B.F.--Praying soldiers overseas w/out Happy Father's Day, their family. Praying Cindy's family to believe in God. Also, praying for my family!!
- K.H.--Financial mess getting worse, but God is already working.
- L.S.--Carol-macular degeneration, niece and family to church regularly, financial situation.
- J.W.--Prayers for next week's TCC services, set up & tear down teams will be very sparse on 6/27/2010. Prayers for smooth logistics & extra help. For the TCC building ;prayers to continue for July 4th move-in.
- Prayers for the marriages and families of TCC pastors & ministry leaders, protection, unity, peace.
- R.M.---New ventures.
- S.W.--Pray for my brother Austin to find God and make the right decisions.
- F.G.--Please pray for our visit with Shauna. She will be here until July 6th! For Sam & Barbara both battling cancer.
- R.G.--That God's will be done in my mom's life with her battle with cancer.
- F.M.--All dads to know God's will for their families. Special blessings for all Dads away from their families while keeping us safe. Thank you for blessing of a great son & son-in-law.
- F.Family--Dempsey leaves for YC tour on Wed. 6/23-pray for safety, health.
- M.W.--Pray for more TCC ladies to be able to sign up to attend conference in Oct. in SA! Continued prayer for bldg progress. Continue to pray for Nelli's daughter who has numbing on left side after heart surgery-God to restore her fully.
- Y.C.V.--Heal my son Christopher. Give him peace as he starts ESY this summer. Protect him. Give me guidance.
- C.V.--I need help to come back & renew my relationship w/God & be an example for my kids & husband.
- S.M.--To bless my amazing family!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
June 13th 2010
- C.H.--A friend of mine's little two-year-old little girl was bitten by an ant and is allergic, and now has to have surgery. Please keep her and her family in prayer and that she is okay. Thanks.
- J.C.--Please pray for Matthew, a 19-year-old, who is clinically depressed. Also, pray for Evelyn, same reason.
- K.W.--Need an interpreter? PTL for everything what He has done for us!
- F.Family--Demi-leaving for Young Continentals tour on 6/23rd.
- E.C.--Family & friends, school, college, anxiety problems.
- S.M.--They submitted our paperwork for approval, there's a few obstacles-praying for God to move them & approve us.
- M/.P.-That this will be the best summer ever!
- J.&M.B.--Pray for the Angel Food ministries to build up a solid faithful team.
- A.R.--I pray for a better relationship with my dad.
- W.M.--Well today I pray that God continue to bless me with composer not to lose it that I be the man that He called me to be. I pray for marriage.
- L.S.--Carol-macular degeneration; niece and her family; Kyler & Nate to church on a regular basis; financial situation.
- D.D.--Pray for my unsaved husband & daughter.
- D.&F.M.--Energize workers on new building. Continued strength for our fight against cancer; traveling mercies for all our people on vacation. Success for Mega Sports Camp.
- M.W.--Pray for my friend Hugo & Gloria who continue to struggle w/marital difficulties. God bless the vision of TCC to save lives. Pray for God to shield me from my cousin Lily for her to learn forgiveness. Pray for all working on church bldg.
- M.W.--For our servicemen & women-God's hedge of protection.
- J.&T.W.--Prayers for cont'd work on the new building; for preparations for Mega Sports Camp; for pastors & ministry leaders-their families and marriages-protection, unity, peace, passion and health in all areas of their lives.
- N.F.--For me to get accepted at Sam Houston University.
- S.B.R.--Co-op to be moved to a different day.
- Y.C.V.--Bless and protect Christopher-away on vacation with/dad. Continue to heal my son.
- M.O.--I pray for all the students who got sunburned at Beach Bash to heal quickly, especially Carlie.
- I.G.--I pray to have more energy to help out with our church.
- A.M.N.--Prayer for more stability, both emotionally & spiritually, in my life.
- S.G.--Praying for completion of the church building to change lives in Hays County.
- H.G.--Praise for all helping to build the new campus. Healing prayers for the Millers, R.G.'s mom, for my friend Michele who just lost her mom Tues.
- B.F.--Praying my family & Cindy's family; also help homeless people find new lives! Thanks to God for safe trip from Colorado Springs, Co. My friend Tracy's health.
- K.H.--Financial problems
- J.H.--Pray for two of my biker friends who were in separate accidents requiring a hospital stay.
- H.Family--For our 10-month old nephew who is having surgery Thursday to remove a mass below his left eyes. Also, for Heather's extended family affected by the flooding. Thank you.
- E.L.--Dennis, friend; Ronnie; Evelyn (sister).
- L.C.--I have been attending attending off and on over the past few years, along with other churches. I rarely want/long to commit to one church and allow myself to be open to new relationships and vulnerabilities.....I am tired of feeling disconnected.
- L.A.L.--I am praying for a teaching job for the fall. I am new to the area this year, so I would appreciate a prayer.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
June 6th 2010
E.C.--Friends & family, cousin Alex, trip to Beach Bash, summer trip.
S.&P.E.--Cont'd healing of Jenni's knee. Steve's job future.
K.W.--Pray for my husband and my family.
A.M.--Prayer for the family and friends of Adrian, 18-year-old who died this week in a car accident.
P.x4 Family--For Teresa, to be open to repairing our relationship.
M.W.--Please pray for bro-n-law in Thailand for authorities to return him the car after accident so he can drive into town for food, etc. Pray for bldg progress. Let me know if you're ready for painting on kids' walls-pictures).
H.G.--For Mama G as she undergoes oral surgery tomorrow morning; healing prayers for a speedy recovery & no complications.
K.C.--Please pray for a friend, they are going through a rough time, and will be needing a job as they are getting layed off.
T.T.--Please pray for me to be at peace w/my life and be able to go and let God!
J.C.--Please pray for our family: Javier, Juanita, Erica, Stephanie, Caleb.
L.S.--Carol-macular degeneration; niece and family to church on a regular basis; my financial situation.
J.&T.W.--For continued progress at the new building-for workers and finances; for pastors & ministers-and their families-protection, health, unity, peace.
R.&A.W.--Looking forward to another great summer! Pray for safety & fun.
S.W.--Friend Mary whose mom & dad having health issues, in/out of the hospital. Taking toll on her family.
N.G.--Pray for guidance & protection of Ricky & Thelma. Thanks.
L.R.--For my son Alex that God him strength to make the right decisions and live for Him.
S.M.--Pray for God to comfort me. I miss my son; he moved to California and that he makes the right choices.
J.C.--Emotional healing. Our business.
G.T.--Oralia, Jackie, Olivia, Margaret, Eva, Vanessa, Jacob, Gilbert, Elida, Sam, Trina, Tori.
W.M.--Continue to pray for my house to come and my children to follow God.
D.&F.M.--Solutions to oil spill, B.P. to step up and help those impacted by the spill. All people's fighting for our freedom. Continued blessings for our health.
S.H.--We are down to 1 credit card now, thanks to Financial Peace! Praise God! Please also pray for my friend, LeaAnn, who is pregnant and is having some challenges. Thank you.
D.R.--Our upcoming vacation trip to California. Our family & finances.
Y.C.V.--Christopher is still having complications from his May 7th surgery. Please pray we find the reason and help him heal.
E.L.--Family & friends.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Week of May 30th 2010
- R. Family--Friends had premature baby @ 26 weeks. My son w/needs.
- D.&F.M.--Traveling mercies for all those traveling this summer. Keep our children safe this summer. Continued blessings for the workers on our new church home.
- L.N.--I have a really bad cough and it hurts really bad.
- B.M.--Continued prayers for my husband's work. Continued prayers for my dad and brothers' hearts and souls.
- T.B.--Debbi's back. Thank you.
- J.&T.W.--Prayers for continued commitment to the finances, ministries & building project @ TCC--by all of the church body! For TCC ministers & their families--peace, health, protection. For marriages & families & TCC--unity, strength, healing, deep love.
- J.C.--Please pray for my daughter Erica as she is graduating.
- E.C.--Cousin Alex, family graduating, friends; Keifer, Angelina, Davina, John David, Selina, Breanna, Angel, Jacob, Justine.
- M.S.--We won't be here next week. Going on vacation--pray for our safe return. Thanks.
- A.W.--Pray for Jordyn, Dixon's mommy & family right now.
- M.W.--Continue to pray for Women's Group. Pray for Sandy's son going to California to work. Pray for all single parents; it's tuff-I was one. I was 48 when I first heard "Jesus loves me!" and believed it to be true.
- F.G.--For my former student Ryan George; he is leaving for Afghanistan next week.
- K.W.--Pray for the families, people who are military serving for our country. God bless you all!
- S.E.--Prayers for the new TCC building, TCC staff & members. Please pray for Jenni's leg to heal. Pray for my upcoming job search. Thanks!
- S.&D.M.--Pray for us.
- S.H.--Please pray for all the students in our district to stay safe and make good choices during the summer months! Thank you!
- A.M.--Today's message brought me peace in regards to my relationship and current situation with my 19-year-old daughter. Thank you, God and Nic.
- R.&D.C.--Prayer for Ray: job opportunities.
- D.&R.K.--Just visiting the area. Awesome church!
- L.H.--Please I need payers for my sister-in-law. She has breast cancer....Carrie.
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