Thursday, February 25, 2010

Week of Feb 21, 2010

M.G.--K.S.-injured in snow-mobile accident, suffering w/broken neck. A.G.-continue walk w/Christ.
S.W.--Brother-in-law Austin doing bad/
worse w/drug, alcohol, depression.
S.W.--Pray for my brother Austin struggling with addiction to make the right decisions.
L.&R.W.--My family's relationship with Christ.
G.T.--Cousin Ray, Mauri, Nicole & Ray, Thia Eva, Thia Lily,Thia Oralia, Davia, Janie, Samantha, Gilbert Jr., Alex, Tori, Vanessa, Joseph, Margaret.
J.C.--New business.
A.R.--Family, school, new church.
B.F.--My son will leave for Afghanistan on March 5! Praying for my wife Cindy, need help asap! Praying for my family live in Colo. Spgs., Co. Hope everything ok!
M.W.--Pray for little Diego having surgery Monday morning. Pray for our legislators who are discussing our health care this week. Pray for healing for all who are hurting--thru this series. Pray for my friend Christina, who is uncertain of her job future. Pray for Judy's health!!!
N.G.--Praise!!! I made a 700 in power lifting! I just hope it was good enough for regionals!
F.-Freddie (Sandi's brother) diagnosed w/melanoma cancer.
A.W.--My retired parents moved and got to Midland okay. Thank God!
A-L.W.--I got a job.
Y.V.--Bless and protect my Christopher. Heal him. Guide me thru my struggles.
J.&T.W.--For all marriages @ TCC-strength and unity, for God to be glorified in all of the marriages; for the work on the church building.
J.M.--Praise! I have work (fulltime!) until I leave for OCS in June.
H.--Wallace Middle School to become a "No Place for Hate" school by April. For Jason as he hopes to go back to work this week. Financial Peace.
A.M.--For John and I for a spirit of unity. For daughter Valerie that she seek God again.
C.K.--Please pray for our family's health, alzheimers, mother's health too. Please pray for our wedding plans (Yeah-we'll marry on March 15th!)
G.T.--Rey, Murri, Nichole, Rey, Chris, Gilbert Jr., Samantha, Tori, Joseph, Paul.
K.P.-K.--A commitment to come to church in the morning. Getting up in the morning is difficult but working on it, if my husband can do it, I can too.
L.W.--I would like all of you to pray for my son Austin for his drug addiction.
M.W.--Pray for peace for my and neighbor Jo An. Her mom died today.
K.M.--I still need a job, like a receptionist or something like that. Please keep Dale in your prayers as well as his parents. He is preparing to make an emergency trip up to East Texas to help with his Brother. Apparently his brother has ceased taking his medication and it has brought on some fairly dangerous behavior towards his parents as well as his own self. Dale is going to try to get him help. Please keep us prayed up for strength and direction.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Week of Feb 14 2010

  1. T.T.--Mario asked me to send out a prayer request for Rico’s mother … she had a heart attack this morning and they had to shock her heart when the paramedics first arrived and then again on the way to the hospital. Their family needs all of our prayers right now – please forward to anyone you don’t see on my list that you think would want to be aware of the situation & praying for his mother. Thank you all!
  2. M.W.--Please pray for me. I seem to have the "bug." Pray that it doesn't hang around long. Thank you! Also, praise son has a job.
  3. C.W.--Please pray for my friend, Genna - she is participating in a Walk to Emmaus as a pilgrim this week.
  4. J.C.--My sister in law's niece in Puerto Rico was riding her bike without a helmet fell and hit her head on a rock her skull cracked she is now in a coma. They are transferring her to a trauma center at this very moment. Her name is Jary she is 12 years old. Doctors are not hopeful that she may live through this so please pray for her family as well.
  5. C.W.-My niece, Rebecca is undergoing surgery for an unknown infection, possibly an appendicitis or complications for a c-section 2 weeks ago.
  6. C.H.--Can you add my coworkers son to the list his name is Paul. They found him unconsious and unresponsive we are currently at hospital right now. thank you
  7. C.W.--Praise report: Rebecca is doing well, removed pockets of infection, no problem with appendix, will be in hospital for awhile on antibiotics. Dr. recommends that she does NOT go back to work (she teaches 3rd grade) at the end of her 6 weeks, prefers that she stays out for the rest of the semester. Thanks for all the prayers, please continue them . . .
  8. J.&J.P.--Jay, alcoholism. Safety-traveling over vacation.
  9. J.C.--Finances.
  10. B.F.--My son, Russell, Training BCT, Katie get well & her blessing new house. Help Frieda get new job. Praying my job need new career. Cindy needs help.
  11. J.C.--unspoken.
  12. M.O.--Pray for my nephew RJ who is in Afghanistan.
  13. L.W.--Pray for the Gary Job Corps students. Pray for Melanie. Pray for Jesse & Sea, LaSandra.
  14. T.B.--Deb had injection in her back; did not work.
  15. M.W.--Pray for our troops in Afghanistan! Pray for couples in our church who may be in season of winter not to give up but to seek help. Pray for our leaders in Wash. Pray for our new mayor.
  16. B.&A.W.--Continue to pray for Annika's parents as they start a new chapter of life in Midland. They are moving on Friday.
  17. H.G.--Healing prayers for Dean. Blessings for TCC as we start the build out of our new home.
  18. W.M.--Strength to be the man God has called me to be!
  19. F.G.--Please pray for our family relationships. Please pray for our friends Ryan & Kerri's marriage to be healed.
  20. D.&F.--Added strength after chemo on Friday. Pray for marriages in crisis.
  21. S.W.--Pray for Shannon (wife) for her back and neck problems and that she can cope with the pain better.
  22. S.H.--Please continue prayers for Jason's back to heal so he can return to work. Also, for Stephanie's lawsuit to settle for a favorable amount very soon. Thank you!
  23. L.S.--Financial situation. Niece & family to church with me.
  24. A.W.--I an RN and I need a job.
  25. J.&J.M.--Praise! Everything is settled w/car accident. Car is fixed and we also got a little money on a settlement! Praise God!
  26. D.B.--marriage.
  27. R.&D.C.--Prayer for the sale of our home in Maine.
  28. R.M.--Praise for more business that has come to us. For a successful second bootcamp in March.
  29. E.R.--Family strength.
  30. M.O.--

    Thank you all for keeping Richard's mom in your prayers. She is doing much better than expected. She is awake and alert and talking. She is still very weak and is having some trouble with her memory but PRAISE GOD that she is even alive!!! The power of prayer is awesome, especially when there are sooooo many believers praying for the same thing!

    31. M.W.--Pray for Judy, who has serious health issues, for God to lift her spirit and heal her, as He is the Great Physician.
    32. M.W. - Please please pray for little Diego. will have surgery on monday for a few hours. "Please pray he gets better and lord gives him a speedy recovery. Thank you and many blessings to everyone. His grace." Diego is a baby born not too long ago to my daughter's friend.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Feb. 7th 2010

  1. S.H.--Please continue prayers for Jason's back to heal and for him to return to work. Please pray for Stephanie as I search for what I am supposed to do career-wise, and as always, for Baby Charlie.
  2. G.S.--Pray for my friend, needs health. Pray for my family healing.
  3. M.W.--Prayers for: 1) Cousin Rosa, leg amputated 2) our military everywhere 3) Judy-health 4) our lesson series to be fruitful for our homes.
  4. S.&D.M.--to come 6 weeks.
  5. B.F.--Praying my wife Cindy & her family. Praying for my family. They need strength, faith and finding Jesus Christ. Thank you.
  6. D.C.--Family; finances.
  7. M.O.--Father bless my parent's finances. Guide us to know what to do with my parent's house.
  8. J.C.--unspoken.
  9. V.Family--Nephew Michael (guide his choices) and Carol's mom Mary.
  10. Y.C.V.--Bless my Christopher. Protect & heal him. Guide me as I make important choices for my son.
  11. J.--Business as extra source of income.
  12. D.B.--Marriage.
  13. L.&R.W.--My family's relationship with Christ.
  14. T.C.--Pray for Janis & Family; she is raising disabled children & is disabled herself.
  15. R.M.--Praise for a great Boot Camp. Guidance for the next one.
  16. E.C.--New job @ Kohl's, manager, friend Selina & family, personal emotions.
  17. F.M.--Strength for the week for Dean. Place people in my path to witness to.
  18. J.&T.W.--For Adam-God's guidance in His relationships; for marriages @ TCC-strength & unity & growth; for TCC growth, building and vision.
  19. G.&G.T.--Eva, Tori, Oralia, Gilbert, Thia, Joseph, Chris, Samantha, Frank.
  20. R.&D.C.--Prayer for sale on our home in Maine.
  21. T.B.--Prayers for Deb; her back having a procedure Tuesday.
  22. S.S.--My husband lost his job. We help support our grandchildren and any prayers about a job would help.
  23. S.D.-J--Please pray for Darius and his behavior at school and his attitude toward his teacher.
  24. M.L.--PALMS Puppet Team and Marked 4 Life.
  25. M.P.--That I would not have any homework & that I would get sleep.
  26. J.&J.P.--Larry-healing medical conditions; Jeanette-healing from cancer.
  27. D.S.--Safe travels to Florida this coming week. McKenzie is in National Cheer Competition Sat.
  28. F. Family--Sweeney family lost g-mom to cancer this week. Felicia's mom-breast cancer (friend of Demi's)
  29. T.L.--City, family, church, nation.
  30. C.S.--Mom and dad to get together.
  31. S.W.--Mom-Tina struggling on her own after a divorce.
  32. L.S.--Financial situation, niece & family to church.
  33. A.M.--Connection group friends to remain committed. Daughter Valerie to attend church again.
  34. R.R.--Family, marriage.
  35. R.M.Jr.--I am truly blessed to be here and look forward to all that the Connection Church has to offer.
  36. L.F.--The people of Haiti.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Week of Jan 31st 2010

  1. C.&J.W.--My niece just called to tell me her granddaughter, Angel has been admitted to the Tippah County Hospital in Ripley, MS. She has a fever of 105 and they haven't been able to determine where it's coming from. Angel says she isn't hurting and doesn't feel bad. She is 5 and does know how to explain an "owie" . . . Please pray for this precious little girl.
  2. C.P.--Gary is requesting prayer for his son's friend Reed who will be having brain surgery this Friday in Houston.
  3. M.W.--Please pray for Walter and Sandi. They were involved in a vehicle accident last night on their way to appreciation dinner.
  4. I.G.--Help me with obedience in my life.
  5. S.H.--For Jason's speedy recovery & ability to return to work. For Baby Maddox (Jamie & Brian's). For Charlie to continue to grow, learn & be happy & healthy! For my sister and her family as they travel in Florida. Thank you.
  6. R.M.--Hays Bootcamp be successful.
  7. L.S.--Financial situation; niece & family come to church.
  8. L.&R.--My family's relationship with Christ.
  9. C.&G.B.--The Smith Family.
  10. D.&F.M.--Dean's stamina 1 more chemo mid-February. Pray for good results so he can have a break. Haitians & those who are helping them.
  11. E.C.--My cousin Alex. Friend Selina & family. Little boy Hudson. New job, managers, school.
  12. A.C.--Yaaa! Tim got the city of Kyle job!
  13. C.W.--My friends Michelle and Hilda who were layed off over a year ago and remain unemployed.
  14. M.L.--PALMS Puppet Team and Marked 4 Life!
  15. M.P. --That this week would be awesome & that I wouldn't have homework!
  16. L.&A.D.--Lance's grandmother just found out she has colon cancer. So, please pray for her strength to keep fighting.
  17. Y.C.V.--Bless my Christopher. Protect and heal him.
  18. M.W.--Pray for the construction in our new bldg. Pray for my friend to want to know God! Pray for doubters & non-believers. Pray for my friend Esther--lonely while working away from home. Pray for my son Zeke - job & God's plan for him.
  19. A.W.--Please pray for my parents Robert & Estella; my dad has retired and they are transitioning/moving to Midland, Tx, hopefully, God-willing! Super awesome message, Nic!
  20. J.C.--Alfred, Alfred Jr., Nilsa & family, Kyle, Christina, Evelyn, Eva & Anthony, Danielle, Anthony Jr., Edwin, Edwin Jr., Lourdes, Anthony, Leah, Adin, Margie & Jerry, Samantha, Sicara, Doris & Family.
  21. P.&D.C.--Prayer for our home in Maine to sell.
  22. G.x3--Heather's maternal grandmother Lavonne, broke hip 1/30/10, surgery 1/31.
  23. M.G.--A.G.--get well from cold.
  24. R.R.--My family, marriage, children (time mgmt @ business)
  25. A.M.--Praise God for His grace & mercy. God has answered a prayer again.